Day 14: Filmmaking and Art and Ms Billie, Oh My!
So today, Ms Billie Fulton from GAETI 2014 and my own school came to talk about tech things she has found.
We finished our Flat Stanley project.
My art projects are coming along nicely as well.

We finished out the day talking about business plans. I do side jobs, but a business? Seems like a lot of outside things to have to deal with. Then again, I give my labor to K12 in exchange for $12 an hour. I could pay myself more. Just a thought.
We finished our Flat Stanley project.
We Skype'd with my old friend Christian over in England. That was actually pretty cool. It was really nice talking to him again.
We finished out the day talking about business plans. I do side jobs, but a business? Seems like a lot of outside things to have to deal with. Then again, I give my labor to K12 in exchange for $12 an hour. I could pay myself more. Just a thought.
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